Easily Navigate around your Google Docs

Nardium helps you to view and navigate your long Google Docs with ease.

Nardium Google Docs Navigation Panel Example

Overwhelmed by long Google Docs?

Nardium's clean side panel lets you quickly find and jump to relevant sections.

Intuitive Navigation

Effortlessly visualise and navigate your document's headings.

Google Docs Integration

Nardium seamlessly integrates into your Google Docs workflow for a smooth experience.

Customizable Display

Filter and display specific heading levels to customise what you see in the navigation panel.

Zoom Functionality

Zoom in and out to specify the size of the text shown in the navigation panel.

Dark theme

Switch to an eye-friendly dark theme for a comfortable editing experience, especially during late-night sessions.

Discover a new level of Document Navigation

Seamlessly explore and navigate your document's hierarchy like never before. Add To Chrome now for a clear and streamlined editing experience. 💪💻